Bible Verse Self Healing

1 Corinthians 13 Love & Be Patient to Yourself! Prairie Nurse

Bible Verses Self Improvement Heal Yourself

The Prairie Nurse Self Healing Thoughts

Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves! Just remember that just as you work hard to help others in your family, friends and community. You can’t and shouldn’t put yourself last. God loves you and here is a great verse to remember. 1 Corinthians 13: Love is patient love is kind. You are important and work on your soul and the rest will fall into place.

The Prairie Nurse Shorts Bible Verses

Bible Verse Self Healing
Bible Verse Self Healing

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The Prairie Nurse is a Midwest American Registered Nurse who is a holistic herbalist advocate for natural healing of the old ways, forager, food lover sharing recipes, nature photographer, writer, gardener & homesteader. As The Prairie Nurse blogger, I enjoy sharing video's of my outdoor adventures, forages and recipes as a social media writer.