3 Valentine's Day Gifts Ideas
Holiday Gift Ideas

3 Most Loving Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas!

3 Valentine's Day Gifts Ideas
3 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas -The Prairie Nurse


These 3 Valentine’s Day gift ideas are so loving that you will either get a hug for a kiss from your loved one in your life!

You don’t need to spend a bunch of money on these 3 Valentine’s Day gift ideas. Seriously, most people love the DIY and or just a meaningful valentine gift. It seems most people are topped out financially with inflation and all the high costs.

You can use these 3 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas for anyone in your life. These gift ideas are very versatile for whomever you would like to buy and or make for you loved one.

Ok Cupid! Let’s do this. I love this part planning on making and or buying others gifts to make their day or day’s better. I myself love caring for others as the reason to becoming a nurse to heal others and encourage their lives for the better. I plan on doing a video through my social media accounts as well of these 3 Valentine Day’s Gift Ideas to give you more of a hands on view.

The first gift is a basket of your loved ones favorite snacks and or hobbies. Think of it as an Easter Basket or May Day Basket! Hobby Lobby or Michaels has great and usually on sale for baskets of any size. I recycle our Easter baskets for gifts like this throughout the year. Steps and Ideas for this first gift.

Then make a list of what you know they like or need that is under $20 or $10. 

For example: My loved one likes and or needs the following

  • Small $1.00 Calendar Book at the dollar store
  • Favorite Candy
  • Homemade Snacks
  • Coloring Book
  • Love Letter or Care Letter
Valentine's Day Gift Basket
Valentine’s Day Gift Basket

                          Valentine Day’s Gift Ideas Art #2

Valentine Day's Gift Picture
Valentine Day’s Gift Idea Artwork Picture

The second Valentine’s Day Gift Idea is a frame with your favorite picture of you and them or a painting on a canvas. This gift is very, very non-expensive with a great memorable gift that can last a life time. What’s the best thing about this gift? If they move throughout their lives they can take it with them or in their office or cubicle at work.

Michael’s Store usually has a 50% off all sizes of canvas and or frames every other week or so. You can also get coupons on top of this sale to get an additional savings. This goes for anything else with your needed art supplies.

For Example: Canvas and or frames Ideas

  • Buy 50% canvas and or frame
  • You can recycle a frame at home you do not use
  • Pick your favorite picture and develop it and or print off your printers
  • Art supplies if you don’t already have them in your home
  • Create artwork with supplies on a canvas or just add their favorite quote if you are not artist


Valentine Day’s Gift Time With YOU #3

Valentine Day's Gift Ideas
Valentine Day’s Gift Ideas Time -The Prairie Nurse

This Valentine’s Day Gift Idea which is very easy, free, and in my opinion is the best gift! It’s you and your time with your loved one. Time is the most precious gift you can give someone! Memories, love and fun cannot be bought, cannot be taken away from anyone! Anything is possible in this world if you spend time with your loved ones. Time goes so fast it is the best gift. Please use it wisely and take the time to do something fun with another person you love!

The Prairie Nurse Valentine Day’s Gift Ideas! 

Happy Valentine’s Day! February 14th! 

Don’t forget to check out my social media accounts:

You tube Channel: @prairienurse  

TikTok: theprairienurse 




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The Prairie Nurse is a Midwest American Registered Nurse who is a holistic herbalist advocate for natural healing of the old ways, forager, food lover sharing recipes, nature photographer, writer, gardener & homesteader. As The Prairie Nurse blogger, I enjoy sharing video's of my outdoor adventures, forages and recipes as a social media writer.