The Prairie Nurse 7 Holistic Healing Tips
The Prairie Nurse Healing

7 Holistic Healing ❤️‍🩹 Tips: The Prairie Nurse

The Prairie Nurse 7 Holistic Healing Tips

We all need some healing tips in our lives especially as we age! The best healing tips include the easiest ways. Our thoughts usually know what’s best for us, but then we ignore our nature self help ideas. So, these healing tips you probably are familiar with regardless it is a nice reminder.

7 Holistic Healing Tips!

  • The number 1 tip is put yourself first! This may seem obvious and easy, but its not. I myself am a nurturer by the gifts God gave to me. I went into healthcare in doing so. There’s nothing wrong taking care of yourself first. If you don’t you will become burnt out, unhappy, unhealthy, and not long lasting to be there for others. This world needs you! If you don’t put gas in your car or change the oil the car will not work, thus no car, same goes for you! God wants you to love thyself. Not in a bad way, I think our society is so angry is because they are not taking time for themselves to slow down.
  • The second healing tip is sleeping habits. We have all heard that eight hours of sleep is the required minimum and other studies say we need 10 hours or 6 hours. Everyone is different on the amount of sleep they need. Children need more sleep due to growing. If you are feeling more tired than usual you could be fighting a cold, hormone changes, diet problems. This is why everyone is different. You need to listen to your body. Step away from sleep distractions, such as phone, videos, televisions, lighting, energy drinks and sugar a few hours before bed, especially the sugar and caffeine. Studies conclude no caffeine after 12pm if your bedtime is 9pm or 10pm.
  • In 3rd place for healing goes to food intake. If your not eating healthy foods majority of the time, then you will eventually be heading into a health disaster. You are what you eat. This has been known since time and memorial. The food you eat has its own properties and cells that later you breakdown and absorb those properties vitamins, minerals etc. into your cells throughout the body.
  • The 4th healing tip is drinking the right amounts of water and the type of water. By now I hope you have heard how bad buying water bottles are the plastic chemicals being released into the water is causing cancer and hormonal changes in men and women. This is a huge safety concern. Also, the water you need to drink should not have fluoride in it. This is illegal in most of Europe countries due to their studies and new studies coming out saying that its poisonous and extremely bad for you. Side note, the current society in my opinion has super high level of cavities and the fluoride treatment doesn’t seem to help.
  • In my career as a health care professional involved caring for immigrants from Africa, they had great teeth with no fluoride history. After doing studies of why this is an occurrence was due to their land and water has a lot of minerals in crops including water systems. Including in this research was found getting Vitamin D was a huge indicator of your overall health, immunity and bone strength. You need calcium to absorb Vitamin D and nothing better than getting Vitamin D is synthesis from the sun. Eating mushrooms has vitamin D in it as well.
  • The 5th tip to wellness is having a support system, being around others or having a animal to improve your mental health aspects. In our current society some don’t have this support system, this is okay you can volunteer to help others at the hospital, local community or schools.
  • The 6th tip is learn who you are and what you want to accomplish in this life. God didn’t send you here on Earth just to work and not be creative. If you don’t know thyself and unsure your goals for hope and the future then we become stagnant. This results in doing circles in this life with no aspirations. It doesn’t matter what age you are we can all strive for more things to go after. Turn those dreams into your reality.
  • Last 7th tip is just realize you are here in the present and can’t do anything about the past, and the future doesn’t exist yet. You can only control what you are doing and feeling right now. In pictures I see of myself in the past is part of who I was, but that person has change physically and mentally to a higher and more expansion thoughts. Just do your best for today!

The Prairie Nurse Healing Tips

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The Prairie Nurse is a Midwest American Registered Nurse who is a holistic herbalist advocate for natural healing of the old ways, forager, food lover sharing recipes, nature photographer, writer, gardener & homesteader. As The Prairie Nurse blogger, I enjoy sharing video's of my outdoor adventures, forages and recipes as a social media writer.