Great Depression Food Recipes Tips
Great Depression Food Ideas For Survival
Great Depression Food Ideas Tips that you can do in a pinch that is cheap, easy, and hearty for your loved ones or friends & neighbors! The Prairie Nurse Prep and Survival Ideas Tips First, we need to realize all hands on deck are going to be needed if a another great depression shows itself! This is how communities survived in previous famines, economic systems collapsed, and wars. Everyone has their own gifts God gave them and resources prior to the world downturn. Second, realize it will be okay and just like every other generation before us they made it through it. It seems that when everyone is mostly doing…
St Patrick’s Day Soda Bread Irish Style The Prairie Nurse
St Patrick’s Day Soda Bread Irish Style The Prairie Nurse & The Irish Way Are you Irish? The Irish mythology is very interesting if you enjoy history definitely learn about it. This bread goes well any Irish meal. St Patrick’s Day Soda Bread is fantastic! Corn beef and sauerkraut with potatoes is one of my favorites. If your making corn beef remember is is a tougher meat and takes a lot longer to cook. A crock pot is a great way to cook it, especially if you are gone at work all day. Otherwise, the oven works great if your home all day. Enjoy and please leave a comment after…