The Prairie Nurse Healing
Wild Herbs of Ireland
Wild Herbs of Ireland The wild herbs of Ireland which are plentiful. The wild herb I found to be the most influential for healing is drum role please! The Elder Flower more precious than you would think. The parts used of the plant can be the roots, bark, young shoots, leaves, flowers, flowers so pretty much everything. The Gaelic version of this plant is Ruis. The amazing Elder flower can be used in so many ways. Its quite amazing what God has provided for us on this Earth we live in. The flower can be infused in water which makes it a wonderful tonic or cleanser of the face. I…
3 Cheap Healing Fall Herbs
3 Cheap Healing Fall Herbs! Fall time is on its way! The pumpkin spice and all that is nice is having it’s effects on everyone from Coffee shops already running out of their pumpkin spice latte’s and cold brews. The herbalist like myself and you are getting ready for the fall weather and looking for ways to save during the cold & flu seasons. There are many herbs that God has provided us on the Earth, which I am truly blessed! The high costs of inflation having on our communities and loved ones. I am looking for the cheapest herbs with a great healing punch for the immune system! The…
7 Holistic Healing ❤️🩹 Tips: The Prairie Nurse
We all need some healing tips in our lives especially as we age! The best healing tips include the easiest ways. Our thoughts usually know what’s best for us, but then we ignore our nature self help ideas. So, these healing tips you probably are familiar with regardless it is a nice reminder. 7 Holistic Healing Tips! The Prairie Nurse Healing Tips