Winter Herbs

  • Irish Herb Elder Flower
    Prairie Nurse Art Work,  Summer Herbs,  The Prairie Nurse Healing,  Winter Herbs

    Wild Herbs of Ireland

    Wild Herbs of Ireland The wild herbs of Ireland which are plentiful. The wild herb I found to be the most influential for healing is drum role please! The Elder Flower more precious than you would think. The parts used of the plant can be the roots, bark, young shoots, leaves, flowers, flowers so pretty much everything. The Gaelic version of this plant is Ruis. The amazing Elder flower can be used in so many ways. Its quite amazing what God has provided for us on this Earth we live in. The flower can be infused in water which makes it a wonderful tonic or cleanser of the face. I…

  • Winter Herbs For Solstice
    Winter Herbs

    9 Winter Herbs For Solstice

     Winter herbs are the hardiest and common to find especially around the holidays! The winter herbs are usually very affordable for anyone’s budget. There are many herbs for the winter solstice. These are my favorite to use during this time. Most of the winter herbs in this category taste great on any or with most winter meals!  Winter Herbs of the Solstice season: 1. The winter herb that you can find at any local small or big grocery store is chamomile tea. The reason I love this herb is the powerful properties the herb can help with flu and cold season to work against the viruses.  2. Frankincense is the…