Dandelion Healing Cheap Herb

*Dandelion Herb* Cheap Healer & Cold Climates

a bee on a dandelion in a field
Photo by Erik Karits on Pexels.com

The Dandelion Herb is a cheap healer especially in these times of high inflation and unexpected times. Its also great due to the fact that its a well known herb that grows anywhere in the northern cold climates. The Normans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings loved this plant. In their travels they would bring the seeds with them to other countries during the voyages to other lands for survival. It’s so important to the northern hemisphere that it is considered the first plant/herb to be pollinated by our friendly bees. 

Health benefits are becoming more known, the once disgraced weed to the previous generations are now becoming reminded of just how important this plant was to our ancestors around the world. Below are just some of the great wonderful properties that help humans possibly heal. 

Potential Benefits: 

 1. Dandelions have beta-carotene that is an antioxidant. This includes flavonoids and polyphenols. 

 2. Possibly lowers cholesterol, by reducing blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides). 

 3. Could help with Diabetes Type 2, with encouraging information of its properties of antihyperglycemic, antioxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

 4. Some positive studies include showing it has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

 5. Great source of potassium

 6. Boosts your immune system for fighting power (antiviral and antibacterial properties).  

 7. Possibly assist with your constipation according to some studies. 

There are so many help benefits its simply an amazing best friend you could have in your yard. Please don’t spray them, gather them and preserve them for winter and throughout the year! Have a lovely summer, your Prairie Nurse & Herbalist!



Disclaimer:  Any information shared written or verbal of any kind with Prairie Nurse is for entertainment purposes only. This is my only opinion and knowledge that I researched or creatively thought of and want to share with others. Please advise with a medical doctor for any medical issues or concerns of any kind especially if you are pregnant or have chronic or acute issues. If there is an emergency of course contact 911 or if outside of the USA  reach out to your emergency services. 

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The Prairie Nurse is a Midwest American Registered Nurse who is a holistic herbalist advocate for natural healing of the old ways, forager, food lover sharing recipes, nature photographer, writer, gardener & homesteader. As The Prairie Nurse blogger, I enjoy sharing video's of my outdoor adventures, forages and recipes as a social media writer.