Salmon Anti-Inflammatory Healthy Food Meal

Nurse Approved Anti-Inflammatory Easy Meal for Dinner Menu

The Prairie Nurse Healthy Anti-Inflammatory Meals

food plate cold snow
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

Anti-Inflammatory Salmon Meal

One of the main health issues impacting the United States and other Western world countries is the high risks of diseases due to high inflammation in the body. The main causes that could be relating to these diseases is the west’s diet. The fast food chain stores on most towns and cities is on every block or mini mall. The high rates of GMO’s and chemical preservatives making the problem much worse. I was listening to a fellow YouTuber who moved out of the USA and was surprised on how healthy he became with his new life in another country. The surprising fact is that most other countries don’t allow Mountain Dew or Doritos in their country due to the ingredients in those products. He also stated when him and his wife return once a year to visit relatives they always become super sick the first few days due to the processed foods here. This makes me super sad like where I live their isn’t much availability for organic foods, let alone fresh fruits or vegetables.

I find this meal to be an easy and super healthy with achieving a anti-inflammatory recipe. You should be able to find wild caught salmon in most stores. I recommend the wild caught if possible the color is richer orange to pink with way nutrients and vitamins then farm raised salmon. See below the difference of colors for each salmon. 

More Orange color is what you see in Farm Raised Salmon less nutrients

More Orange color is what you see in Farm Raised Salmon less nutrients

Red Salmon Color is the Wild Caught Super Healthy & More Nutrients

Red Salmon Color is the Wild Caught Super Healthy & More Nutrients

The Prairie Nurse Anti-Inflammatory Salmon Meal Recipe

Olive Oil or Coconut Oil 

Wild Salmon Fillet or Salmon Steak Version



Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt


Sweet Potatoes (Fresh Not Canned) you can find them next to the potatoes *Add to the oven the before the salmon so it can cook together and be done at the same time*

Green Beans (Fresh Not Canned) these are usually by the carrots or in the grocery vegetable refrigerator location by the bagged lettuce *Add water and beans to a glass casserole dish dish the same time as the Salmon as well*

*You could do whole grained rice or wild rice with this meal as well. However, the sweet potatoes are better with reducing inflammation.* 

I’m getting hungry so, let’s get prepping! 

First wash off the salmon from its pre-packet with tap water. Then add the olive oil to the glass casserole top with salmon then drizzling more oil over the salmon. When this is done I add the salt and pepper to it. The amount depends on your taste, I love pepper so I usually add a lot. You can add cut up lemons & limes to lay on the salmon and bake it in the oven. I prefer to do half and half. I save the other half of the lemon & lime to squeeze the juice over the salmon when done. 

Preheat the oven at 425F then bake with cover *use tin foil* or un-covered (if covered it will more of a soft texture since its steamed) covered (dryer and flaker). I like it covered then the last 10 minutes remove the tin foil for a balance. It should look like the picture below when done. The golden look of salmon is firm & flakes easily when pressed. 

Bake 425F for 15 to 20 minutes: This will depend on the depth of the salmon fillet and the salmon steak is thicker so it may take longer. If you have a conventional oven it will cook hotter and faster, for example that’s what I use and I cook with a lower temperature of about 375F to 400F. 

Also, make sure you add the sweet potatoes and put onto a baking sheet in the oven prior to the salmon so it’s done at the same time. Sweet potatoes depending on the size may take about 30-40 mins. 

The green beans won’t take too long either, so you can add these in another glass casserole dish with water at the same time as the salmon for about 20 mins and it will be done as well. 

Another great addition is a garden side salad! 


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The Prairie Nurse is a Midwest American Registered Nurse who is a holistic herbalist advocate for natural healing of the old ways, forager, food lover sharing recipes, nature photographer, writer, gardener & homesteader. As The Prairie Nurse blogger, I enjoy sharing video's of my outdoor adventures, forages and recipes as a social media writer.